His Holiness the Dalai Lama with BKS Iyengar
and the moderator of the discussion Rajiv Mehrotra.
Photo by Tenzin Choejor
His Holiness the Dalai Lama in conversation with ...
A conversation between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and BKS Iyengar, Yoga Master The Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India, November 20, 2010.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama today held talks with the renowned Indian master Dr. Yogacharya BKS Iyengar, about training the mind and compassion, in a talk entitled: Yogic and Buddhist techniques for training and training Mind and Culture of Compassion.
The meeting took place at the Convention Center Indian Habitat Centre in New Delhi. HH said that happiness is generally understood as a deep satisfaction, however, it is important to distinguish between the satisfaction level achieved by sensory and mental level.
Happiness mental level - well said - can be obtained through a spontaneous internal layout and through the form of mind led to the development of infinite compassion. His Holiness said that a Buddhist practitioner for the purpose or final goal is to attain Buddhahood [which takes place] to cultivate a compassionate mind and the result, the fruit of this practice is the ability to get a calm mind, calm and positive in [our] daily life, day by day.
Dr. Iyengar, known scientifically decipher a code of the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, and who has practiced yoga for the past 60 years explained the seven steps to achieving happiness through the practice of yoga, said that when the intellect of the heart and mind are found through a thorough understanding of the purification of body and mind at this moment the consciousness of the ego or "I" is canceled and the practitioner experiences a boundless joy and impartial.
The goal of yoga, so said the energetic 93-year teacher is to achieve the purpose of happiness where the remains of the ego is eliminated. Said a yoga practitioner about negative emotions such as anger, as separate entities and thus subject, controls the mind. His Holiness spoke about the various stages, such states of mind [is] and how they are described in Buddhist texts stating that daily meditation coupled with the exploration of research assistance or empty shunyata Buddhist happiness . He explained that the practice of Yoga Mandala in Tibetan Buddhism involves awareness of the concept [of] "empty" or shunyata.
Unless a practitioner has a thorough knowledge of [l] shunyata, perpetuating an addiction or false perceptions of reality.
Dr. Iyengar answered the question asked by Mr. Rajiv Mehrotra, moderator and secretary of the Foundation for Universal Responsibility (FRU) established in New Delhi, whether yoga has the purpose of releasing such attachments to prevent or Maya false realities, yoga considers ignorance or mental deficiencies as the cause of all suffering, or dukha in the world. He noted that live moment to moment without getting caught by the wheel of the past or memories is the way forward. He explained that the Yoga of Patanjali, is known as manolaya shunyata or dissolution of the state of mind. Refiriéndose a la relación entre [la] mente y [el] cuerpo, su Santidad mencionó aquí como la práctica del yoga enfatiza [en] el vínculo entre las emociones y las posturas físicas para conseguir un estado de equilibrio de ecuanimidad, la practica Budista Tibetana tambien acentúa la importancia de la unión entre mente y cuerpo por lo cual el practicante al meditar a de centrarse en la postura corporal correcta tal como mantener la columna erguida con el fin de permitir que fluya correctamente la energía y dar paso a la relación durante la meditación. Él, entonces, hizo alusión a la escuela Vajrayana del Budismo Tibetano, en la que la relación entre la postura corporal correcta and state of mind are described in detail as a state in which dreams or sleep.
Dr. Iyengar said that there are some similarities or parallels between the Hindu yogic tradition and the Tibetan Buddhist approach, suggesting that both traditions should work together to find a common pathway for the benefit of mankind.
scientists attended the conference among other Hindus and Western physicists and neuroscientists, students, spiritual practitioners and the general public.
Click here to see some photos of the event:
Articulo publicado en página web de la asociacion inglesa de yoga Iyengar.
Traducido por Cristina Rueda.
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