Surely the question mauve one of the plants we all know. Can be found almost anywhere, but certainly not aware of the important applications and properties that we can provide. The photos were taken by me in Santa Maria del Paramo, an uncultivated field.
Scientific name: Malva sylvestris L.
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Spermatophyta
Branch: Magnoliofitha
Class: Dicotyledoneae (Magnoliatae)
Subclase: Dilleniidae
Orden: Malvales
Familia: Malvaceae
Género: Malva
Species: Malva sylvestris L.
Other names: Alboeza.
Habitat: Grows in vacant lots, roads, slopes, meadows.
Description: is a biennial or perennial plant up to 1.5 m in height. Its stem is very hairy and root fusiform. Leaves alternate and palmatilobuladas. The flowers grow from the axils of the leaves, petals pink and veined in purple, in fascicles of 2 to 8. Flourishes January to October. The fruit consists of a set of mericarps disk-shaped and hairy, decomposing after ripening. It grows in alkaline soils rich in nitrogen ., From sea level to mountainous terrain (1500 m).
use and applications : is intended primarily as a protective skin and respiratory mucous membranes, digestive and urinary tracts.
Regarding the skin is used as a poultice of the crushed plant on boils and pimples ( acting softeners) , sores and other skin lesions.
In eczema used a decoction of the dried plant and flowers.
Good solution for hemorrhoids (sitz bath).
Internally it is used in respiratory conditions such as colds, coughs, bronchitis, sore throat, and hoarseness in voice loss. To achieve this, use an infusion of dried leaves and flowers, taken or gargle for sore throats.
The root was used for the first teeth of children it bragging, bark to bite.
dry eye To prepare an infusion of the dried plant used as eye drops.
Against constipation is used in decoction for 20 minutes.
regard to the urinary tract is used against cystitis, nephritis, urethritis.
Good facial tonic using the liquid resulting from boiling the plant ..
Chemical composition:
* Mucilage: galacturonoramnanos and arabinogalactan. Emollient causing the
* Essential Oil
* Tannins: antioxidant properties.
* Anthocyanins. Malvidin (in flowers) give antioxidant properties helping the elimination of free radicals to help prevent cancers.
* Rich in vitamins A, B and C. And a small amount of E. You can eat salad.
Like any other plant mucilages in composition, care must be taken in case of:
- esophageal and intestinal obstruction: Mallow could lead to a worsening of esophageal obstruction if water intake is inadequate.
- spastic and lytic ileus: Mallow could induce the appearance of a bowel obstruction If water intake is inadequate.
- intestinal obstruction. Mallow could lead to a worsening of bowel obstruction if water intake is inadequate.
- gastrointestinal stenosis. Mallow could induce the appearance of a bowel obstruction if water intake is inadequate.
- abdominal pain of unknown origin.
- Appendicitis.
- fecal impaction. Mallow could induce the appearance of a bowel obstruction if water intake is inadequate.
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