In several of my trips to the mountains of Leon, this year, I've seen and I pick Rock or Mt. The first time I saw him was in Argovejo at an altitude of around 1100 m. and the second was in the zone of Puebla de Lillo at about 1200 m.
Scientific name : Sideritis hyssopifolia.
Taxonomía :
Reino: Plantae
Dvisión: Spermatophyta
Subdivisión: Magnoliofitha
Subdivisión: Magnoliofitha
Clase: Dicotyledoneae (Magnoliatae)
Subclase: Lamiidae
Superorden: Scrophularienae
Subclase: Lamiidae
Superorden: Scrophularienae
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae ( Labiatae)
Gender: Sideritis
Species: Sideritis hyssopifolia
Other names: tail cat, Zahareña, swab. Habitat
: grows in high mountain pastures, on limestone rocks and sunny. To a height of 1900 m. In soils with pH above 6, dry.
Description: square stems a foot or more in height. Leaves lanceolate, base cuneate margin somewhat jagged in its final part, simple hairs on beam and back. Flowers in inflorescence stem end of branches. Sulfur yellow flowers. It blooms in summer, from June to August.
use and applications : traditionally been used as a diuretic, astringent, purifying and anti-rheumatic. Inflorescences are used or the entire plant as an infusion or decoction for internal use. In external use the leaves are used as a poultice applied to weld wounds and reduce inflammation (vulnerario, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory). Its abundance of tannins give antidiarrheal effect. The leaves have a bitter taste.
Chemical composition:
* Flavonoids: Cirsilineol, 8-MeO cirsilineol, xantomicrol, or hypolaetina isoscutelareina derivatives. Possess anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer or gastric protective, vasoprotective (visible from the month of treatment)
* Tannins catechists and terpenes (such Ulimo with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial)
* Essential oils: they are largely responsible for the bacteriostatic action and having been demonstrated bactericidal action against Gram +, yeast and mycobacteria.
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