Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Average Length Infant Cold


The sighting took place in my own home in Santa María del Páramo. It is not the first time I saw her, there are often many. is the "Praying Mantis" also known as "Santateresa" or "dragonfly (in some villages of Ciudad Real), blowgun ....

There is a mistaken belief that it is a dangerous insect, poisonous, and there is nothing further from reality. This is a harmless and beneficial insect that eats and lots of insects.
fame has also devour male when they mate because in this situation females become very aggressive. But this behavior is rare in the wild, not in captivity.

addition to eating insects can feed on frogs, lizards, small mice and hummingbirds say (see video). In captivity, feeding on dead insects can be supplied to you.
arrive to live a year.

Your head may rotated 180 degrees. It has two large compound eyes and three singles in the top two. Compounds allow you to view images and colors and simple differentiation between light and dark.
possess well developed wings.
In males the abdomen is longer and bulkier females, besides being the largest female.

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
subphylum: Mandibulata
Superclass: Hexapoda
Class: Insect
Order: Dictyoptera
Suborder: Mantodea
Family: Mantidae
Genre: Mantis


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