The "Yarrow" is a herb that we will probably all seen countless times in the field, but surely few will know the great applications you have. The photos show the area taken in Puebla de Lillo, at 1,200 m altitude in the month of August.
Scientific name: Achillea millefolium L .
Kingdom: Plantae DVision: Spermatophyta
Branch: Magnoliofitha
Class: Dicotyledoneae (Magnoliatae)
Asteridae Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae (Compositae )
Gender: Achillea
Species: Achillea millefolium L
Other names: thousand leaves cientoenrama grass Achilles, Achilles, wound-wort.
Habitat: grows in meadows and slopes not too dry. It is rare in the Mediterranean area. More resistant to drought than the excess water. Has an optimal development up to 1000 meters, from this point the specimens are smaller but more fragrant. Can grow by collecting their seeds or by division of rhizomes. Indifferent as to soil acidity.
Description: hairy stems perennial plant that can reach three feet high. Aromatic. Leaves linear in outline, 2 to 3 times divided into linear segments, the basal leaves are long and the upper petiole (lanceolate or linear) seated. The flowers are small heads that rise up all the same height, can be white or pink (sometimes purple). It blooms from May to November.
Chemical composition:
* Flavonoids: Flavones, flavonols. Anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.
* sesquiterpene lactones: aquilicina, aquiline, aquifolina, milefina, leucodina, dihidropartenólido, etc. effect appetizer, eupéptico, choleretic, moderate hypoglycemic and antimicrobial. aquiline acids A, B and C (sesquiterpenoids) showed antitumor activity in vivo.
* Essential oil of blue due to azulenes, chamazulene (give anti-inflammatory properties) as well as luteolin, apigenin and its glucosides.
* phenols acids (caffeic acid and salicylic acid).
* Tannins p resented in low proportion, have a hemostatic effect, healing.
should not be used during pregnancy because of its uterotonic effects.
A high amounts can cause dizziness and headaches.
In some cases the plant can cause contact dermatitis by the composition of any of its lactones.