buy a pet to children is not a matter of choosing the animal that they like, involves knowing which animal is age-appropriate for children, be clear about the advantages and disadvantages of certain pets as well as knowing the care required for each animal.
Pets help develop a sense of responsibility in children, besides contributing to happier and more sociable.
Having a pet is a small them a sense of commitment and support that allows them to cultivate feelings of understanding and affection.
But to acquire a pet should begin to know the different options for pets and can be convenient in the circumstances of each child.
is clear that most parents think of animals that can be at home, whether domestic or small animal cage. Rodents, canaries, parakeets cage animals are easy to transport and care, but are not recommended for children three to five years because at this age still do not control their small force and can harm the animal.
Some parents preferred animal turtles being passive and that the care they require are simple, in addition to animals by their appearance are attractive to children. The downside is that it is not easy to establish a strong bond of love and end up forgetting the small result should meet the animal.
Other pets, which are undoubtedly the best and most prized, are dogs and cats. Thanks to convey expressions of affection become real pets and a member of the family. However, it should be noted that the size will reach an adult animal, any allergies that can cause (especially cats) and realize that they are pets that require more care.
Therefore it is advised that this kind of pets are for children 6 to 13 years because at this age are beginning to emphasize the sense of responsibility and translate what facts are taught, and what better commitment to ensure the welfare of the animal.
But how know that children really want a pet and are determined to care? In general, small
ask for things on a whim, because they are trendy or because they want the same as the friend, therefore, to start and see if children commit to a pet would be nice to think of the silkworm.
These animals are found to be attractive to children, if they have not been influenced by adults, they also have a short lifespan, which is an important aspect that should be considered in any animal you decide to purchase. Caring for
silkworm is simple, eats only mulberry leaves, so it is easy to give the responsibility of child care and check in two months, which is the lifetime of the animal, if the child really is committed to a pet.
Remember, only up to five or six, children begin to learn the commitment to act responsibly and therefore, an aquarium located in an inaccessible and full of colorful fish are shown to be a pet, just as dogs or cats, taking into account the above conditions.
But older children (ages 6 to 13 years) can enjoy any kind of pet, learn to engage with their care and make real friends company.
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