1 - Do not change the dog food when he comes home
To reduce the stress caused by change of environment, it is best to continue feeding for a few days with your meal usual and then go slowly changing to avoid digestive problems. Dogs (especially puppies) tend to eat less at first, so it is important resist the temptation to force to eat or to offer a new food.
2 - Let the dog quiet while eating
You may want to watch your dog during meals to make sure you eat, but the dog can sense its presence as a threat (think they want to take away the food) and stop eating or become aggressive. It is essential to feed in a quiet and leave him alone.
3 - Do not feed the dog on the table
is not advisable to give table scraps to the dog, first because it is not a balanced food and may cause weight gain (usually the master food underestimate the amount of food provided), and secondly because alter dog if a family member feeds him by hand, as it requires you to control access to food. Thus, we must avoid giving the leftovers from the table, if for some reason had to do it, you should put on a plate and give them a After completing the meal, remnants of the usual daily ration of dog food.
4 - Do not force the dog to eat and feed him by hand.
Forcing the dog to eat encourages excessive consumption of food and subsequent overweight. If you feed hand, eat less than usual. The only exception is if the animal is sick, in which case you should consult your veterinarian.
5 º "I do not add anything to the dog food to entice to eat.
If you take a balanced food, the dog will stop eating when satisfied. Add tastiest ingredients (eg oil) can do to keep eating when not hungry, causing weight gain.
6 º-trough not remove the puppy while eating
The ability to remove the feeder while eating dog is not a sign of status hierarchy Owner: submissive dogs eat after the dominant, but they do not mind doing it. If it bothers your dog while eating, it will stress and encourage them to defend their food. To get her used to that you can come to the feeder while eating, focus positively (add more food, for example), but do not mind too often and warn of its presence every time you come.
7 - Do not give treats to the dog because you feel guilty or as a salute to
Using food to interact with the dog is a mistake that could end in obesity. Your dog always appreciated the social contact, cuddle, play with her throwing a toy or playing tug of war, or teach simple commands to strengthen their relationship.
8 º-not spoil your dog with a "Sunday lunch"
Offering a special meal, or heavier than usual, can alter the diet and flora dog digestive (risk of diarrhea). Is better teach a new game or a long walk.
9 º-Do not use food to please the dog
A well fed dog will not usually be hungry. More than food, what your dog needs is contact with you and with other dogs. Take time to meet this need.
10 º "Do not worry if your dog does not eat the exact amount on the package
The amounts shown on the packages of dog food are indicative and should be tailored to the needs of each animal and its level physical activity. If your dog is happy and maintain a stable weight, means that the amount is correct.
Source: Dr. Laura Fiorito
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