(alabanza contrafactual para especial de hongos en la revista cañamo)
María Sabina. Madre Sabia. Si no hubieses sido generosa...
...Gordon Wasson no hubiese sido el primer occidental en conocer los hongos mágicos, y no hubiese divulgado el secreto guardado por los indígenas durante más de cuatro siglos, ni jamás hubiese podido compartir una sesión junto a ti y a Albert Hofmann, who would not have synthesized and named the fungus as alkaloid psilocybin, and synthetic pill nameless, would never have existed Psilocybin Project at the Harvard School, led by the promising young scholar Timothy Leary ...
María Sabina. Santa Madre Sabia. If you had not shared your secrets ...
... Leary had not created the Psilocybin Project, and could not carry out its entheogenic with students, who would have gone with devotion to them, in which case you had not expelled Leary at Harvard, and their meetings clerics, who would have had, in his words, most religious experience their lives, nor with the prisoners, and Harvard would never have found that after several years of monthly use of synthetic psilocybin, the recidivism rates of released offenders decreased by 70%. The safest thing is that, not having worked with the mushrooms, Leary would not have experimented with LSD, y. ..
... not have started a revolution neurological, ordering more than two million doses of acid to American youth. Without those doses would have known nothing of psychedelic rock, or the hippies, or Jimmy Hendrix or Syd Barret across the Atlantic, and there would have been Sgt Pepper or The Jaivas or psytrance, or neo-shamanic ceremonies, and probably would not have arisen by a curious move east, the gringos had not been peacefully demonstrating against Vietnam, and there had been a sexual revolution (would still be virgins until marriage), and mothers in Chile Stone had not rushed to Red to prevent their daughters to lose their moral or Hunter Thompson would have traveled to Las Vegas, and Allen Ginsberg had issued its howl, or Jim Jarmusch Dead Man would have conceived and certainly Matt Groening technical draftsman work today in an architectural office.
Mary Wise. Blessed Mother. Had it not been for you ...
... it is more likely that none of us would tried a psychedelic drug in their lives, and I would be writing about this, or you reading it.
Blessed Mary, Mother Sabina, blessed is the fruit of thy knowledge, we pray for your wisdom to achieve now and in the hour of our trip.
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