- One side will make you grow, the other must decrease.
"One side of what?, Alice thought.
- Mushroom- said the Caterpillar, naturally, as if he had heard the thoughts of Alice.
If Lewis Carroll wrote Alice in Wonderland under the influence of drugs, if proven magic mushrooms or not, or how he was addicted to opium, are questions that can only emotional responses and biased. The truth is we have no idea, and what we do know is that Alicia, in his novel, takes drugs, and again with various substances. Perhaps it was the only way to enter that country, where in the words of Cheshire Cat, we're all crazy ...
- I'm mad you are. "
- And how do you know if I'm mad? - Alicia asked.
- You have to be so by force, "replied the Cat," otherwise would not have come here.
Before coming to this world, Alice is passing the white rabbit, run, hurry, follows him through the den, where falls and falls to sleep. At rock bottom, wake up. Alicia has not undergone any physical changes. None, until it begins the cocktail: a bottle that says drink me , a glass case inside which there is a cake that reads the eat me, the magic liquid from a bottle, pebbles that become small cakes . Alicia is trying to eat and how much substance is in its way, waiting, like a seasoned psychonaut, to feel its effects before increasing the dose. After each intake, your body undergoes various transformations. Diminishes until their jaw hits feet, and then grows and your neck is stretched and stretched until a dove mistaken for a snake. These metamorphoses are known in medicine as micropsia and macropsia. The growing perception of the body, the surrounding world becomes smaller, our feet seem far, Oh, my poor little feet! Who will you now socks and shoes! You'll have to arreglároslas for your own as best you can! ... And if you give them not go to where I want!
Not long walk, Alice looks like a real junkie. Macropsia wants to return to and have a single doubt. guess I'll have to eat or drink this or that, but what what? That is the great mystery! The "what" was certainly the major problem of Alicia. He looked around and saw lots of flowers and leaves of herbs but nothing that had the appearance of being what to eat or drink in these circumstances. A large mushroom stood nearby, nearly as big as she. What to eat? Magic mushrooms. In fact, macropsia and micropsia are effects that can be achieved both with psilocybe mushrooms as Amanita muscaria. On the mushroom is a large caterpillar smoking a hookah, imperturbable, without paying any attention or Alicia or anything else. Are you smoking hash? "Opium? The caterpillar asks Alice:
- Who are you?
Alicia responds: - Well, you see, sir ... I ... I'm not really sure who I am, now, at this time, but at least I know who I was when I woke up this morning, what happens is that I seem to have undergone several changes since then.
- What do you mean? - Said the Caterpillar sternly Explain!
- I am afraid, sir, who can not explain myself, because I'm not what it was, you see?
What kind of travel is experiencing Alicia? She is not the same as it was before trying these substances. In the world that is, words are confusing, sense that they seem inadequate. I did not know even speak properly , says Alicia. One effect is nothing strange in logic psychedelic ... and that those who have not lived, often addressed as if it was just nonsense logic. Beyond them, I follow the advice of the caterpillar.
Alice in Wonderland , Lewis Carroll, Alliance, 181 pp.
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