Saturday, October 28, 2006

Manual Duracell Value

The Tarahumara, Antonin Artaud

Modern life lags behind something and not the Tarahumara Indians over the world today.

I wait a couple of days after each electroshock for dialogue with Artaud makes any sense. Your pain is central, it plays in your body, in each of its cells. Doctors try to be removed by destroying the connections of his mind that, against all odds in science, he still manages brilliantly expressed through words. We are in the clinic
Ivry, is a cold February 4, 1948, and he writes Tutuguri , the last of the texts included in this book about the Tarahumara, started twelve years earlier in Mexico. Just one more month, and only 51, will die. We often talk
about the alchemy of senseless pain you live in Europe. He tells me that at first believed that Surrealism was the solution for polluted continent rationalism. But being too rigid, his political exile, revealed the precariousness of the movement. Egyptian mythology, Tibetan, Kabbalah and the Celts were other veins through which sought the essence of self.
In 1936 visited Mexico and lived among the Tarahumara Indians, where there is more rugged Sierra Madre. He said he expected of them without betraying the origin of man, waiting know a truth that they had retained . He found a people whose history can be read on the geography of the mountains, whose rites played a transparent communication with God is reached through the path of Ciguri .
The Ciguri is the ritual of a dance and the body of a plant, peyote. With this rite the Tarahumara shed their appearance until they reveal their true selves. Artaud participated in this ritual.
With him, the man is alone, I said, desperately and playing music from his skeleton, without father, mother, family, love, god, or society. And you walk the equinox to the solstice, holding yourself your own humanity. Peyote
continues, leads to self to its authentic sources. When you leave a similar vision status can not be confused again, as before, lies with the truth.
Perhaps our civilization could overcome their frustration if all drink the Ciguri, comment.
these priests say Ciguri , she replies, that peyote is not given to everyone and that accessing it is to be predestined. Sometimes
cities, he tells me, to see how men are to be wrong. I asked how living in the cities, do not handle money. I said to beg, and if given not say thanks. Because for them to give those who have nothing is not even a duty, Reciprocity is a law of physics that has betrayed the White World.
In the pages of this book asked me to read, perhaps his most metaphysical, a hyper-blend of the environment and the very existence, to poetry and Christian delusions, obsessive images of trying to shed, on his journey towards a knowledge primitive.

The Tarahumara, Antonin Artaud. Tusquets, 1985, 184 pp.


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