many men without noticing, walking on keys, many keys you do not see the ground. Only one of them serves to eliminate the boundary between self and matter. Only one man is able to find that key. The subtitle of this book (Louis Pasteur) said: In the fields of observation chance favors not only the prepared mind . Hofmann was the prepared mind. Discovered LSD as a shaman exploring the forest, thousands of years, discovered the magical properties of a fungus. In our Western civilization, only a man devoted to science, could recover the lost entheogen, that he used the Greek culture (the basis of our civilization) in the Eleusinian mysteries, until Christianity forbade it. However, this finding resulted in adverse consequences. Such as a knife can save someone, in the hands of a doctor, or take his life in the hands of a criminal, LSD showed two faces. Its use soon exceeded medical research, to be used as a stimulant. This indiscriminate use was soon serious incidents (suicides, accidents, crime). LSD, like the rest of the Mexican sacred drugs, (the peyote, the teonanacatl, and ololiuqui, with the LSD keeps a very narrow chemical-spiritual relationship and mode of action) can be used as an entheogen (developer of inner divinity) or as a narcotic (etymologically, that makes stupid ). Hofmann from the start he was responsible for the danger involved play with a substance that affects the spiritual center of personality.
few months ago I, with two friends, nature sanctuary, for a session with LSD. We prepared days in advance. We had antidotes (milk and oranges) in case it was necessary to cut a bad trip. It was not necessary. As he began the effect we were together, laughing at anything, but when the effect ended up destroying the time, everyone was walking alone. Then began the journey inward and outward, dissipating the ego that led us minutes before the conversation. The words are too coarse a filter that prevents preverbal immersed in that state. Sometimes he remembered feeling that he had not since childhood. I realized that I wrapped mythological relationship. I was able to see how the thin clouds were sometimes crossed the sky. And how the plants they ate. Hofmann
This book gives us many tales of LSD trips of great personalities of the era, including his first experience, unexpected and fearful about the outcome uncertain. Travel with various entheogens, along with Gordon Wasson and Maria Sabina (which found that psilocybin pills Hofmann had synthesized by the spirit of teonanacatl). Travel to mystical enlightenment, of emptiness and anguish asphyxiating; trips described by poets, psychologists, artists, writers, philosophers, hippies. Hofmann
exposes these experiences, perhaps to say that only the prepared mind in , LSD possible experience growing up feeling that the self and the creation as a single unit.
LSD, the history of LSD, Albert Hofmann, Gedisa, 227 pp.
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