Huesca province already has official handsome. Although again most candidates came from Zaragoza, Huesca is natural Mister and Miss Huesca Sabiñánigo claims to have spent in the capital of Huesca the best years of his life.
The precious ring was for Monk Laura Perez, a native of Zaragoza and 25 years old, who attended in Huesca studying Physical Education Teachers; and the top prize went to a novel male in the world of fashion, José Carlos Ara . In his case, after turning 20 years old , young Aragonese opposition prepares to enter the National Police staff and dreams of his way on the catwalk.
Both were "delighted and excited" about the possibility of representing the province of Huesca in the next contest of Miss and Mister Spain. In this sense,
Paco Navarro, organizer of the event, was confident that the two selected made "a great role and have extensive backgrounds as encarnan la belleza propia de la comunidad aragonesa: son morenos, esbeltos y bien plantados». Por segundo año consecutivo, el certamen se desarrolló en el local de la Agrupación de Peñas de Sariñena y en esta ocasión, fue conducido por el joven cantante aragonés Daniel Zueras , conocido por su televisiva participación en 'Operación Triunfo'.
A las puertas de estrenar su nuevo disco, 'Wangolo', el zaragozano se mostró encantador con el público e interpretó varias piezas entre desfile y desfile. Los veinte candidatos recorrieron el escenario, utilizado como improvisada pasarela, sucesivamente, en vaqueros, en bañador and evening gown and were judged by a jury full of Aragon linked to the world of fashion or advertising.
According to Navarro, one of the best impact of these events is "the union and the good climate between the participants, forming a pineapple and enjoy this experience together." "None of them are professional and even today some have gone first to a gateway. It is therefore logical that insecurity and a fear, which brings up nerves and forced smiles, but that's too nice of these galas, "he added.
To corroborate this, the new Miss Huesca, which has been responsible "for some years" in the event of Zaragoza, said he felt "very nervous." And that brings over 18 years aimed at a modeling agency and has already done some work. In his desire is "to live to the world of fashion."
To Mister Huesca the brand, the challenge is "fascinating" and, although it believes that the priority is their education and is well aware that it is "a complicated world," hopes the festival will open new doors.
As first lady of honor was Xiomara Cantero, 17, and ranked behind Ceamanos Miriam, who is 24 and measured 1.73. Mister Huesca behind will Ángel García, 22 and 192 centimeters tall, and Diego Otero, who is 20 years and measured 1.84 meters.
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