Come spring and summer we all fields, roads and open fields with this bold and beautiful red flower, the poppy.
We've never paid more attention than just right?. For the truth is that it has its applications and should not be underestimated.
sure some have heard it is similar to poppy, but do not expect to find in it the drug we all think, opium, although raw, though not without its risks if not properly used.
Photos were taken by me in Santa Maria del Paramo, an uncultivated field.
Scientific name: Papaver rhoeas.
Kingdom: Plants
Division Spermatophyta
Subdivision: Magnoliofitha
Class: Dicotyledoneae (Magnoliatae)
subclass: Dilleniidae
Order: Papaverales
Family: Papaveraceae
Gender: Papaver
Species: Papaver rhoeas L.
Other names: Amapola Ababol, Mapole, ababa, abibollo.
Habitat: grows in fields and roads, fallow land. Not support the shadow and usually grows in dry soils rich in nitrogen and moderately alkaline.
use and applications : T raditionally has been used to treat bronchitis, unproductive cough, anxiety, nervousness, insomnia. exerts a mild sedative effect on the nervous system and therefore often used in children and elderly (decreases time to sleep induction), also is used against cough in colds.
The seeds are used to flavor breads, cakes, salads ...
spray the plant is used, infusions or decoctions, with daily doses recomendadas en la infusión de 16 gramos por 150 ml cada 8 o 12 horas.
Composición química: spray the plant is used, infusions or decoctions, with daily doses recomendadas en la infusión de 16 gramos por 150 ml cada 8 o 12 horas.
- Alcaloides isoquinoleínicos (0.05-0.10%). Roeadina, roeagenina, isoroeadina, coptisina, isocordina, estilopina.
- Polisacáridos heterogéneos. Múcilagos que le confieren un calming effect on the respiratory mucosa, inhibiting the cough reflex.
- anthocyanins. Cianidol, cyanin, cyanidin.
should not be used for:
- esophageal obstruction, intestinal , spastic ileus, intestinal obstruction, gastrointestinal stenosis, fecal impaction because it may cause a worsening of esophageal obstruction if water intake is inadequate.
- Epilepsy. Must used with caution in cases of epilepsy due to the possible existence of epileptogenic neurotoxic alkaloids.
- abdominal pain of unknown origin.
- Appendicitis.
- Pregnancy. Do not use during pregnancy due to the presence of alkaloids that can cause adverse effects on the fetus.
- Breastfeeding. The poppy should not be used during breastfeeding due to the presence of alkaloids, which have access to breast milk and cause side effects in infants.
Use cautiously in the case of taking one of the following drugs:
- Barbiturates, benzodiazepines (medicines used for sleep and calm) and antohistamínicos H1 (drugs used in allergy) and alcohol, may enhance the sedative effect produced by all of them.
not considered a toxic species, but there have been poisoning in young children by ingestion of fresh leaves with inflorescences. In case of overdose, produces a picture that is characterized by nausea, vomiting and stomach problems . Keep in mind that the fresh leaves are poisonous to animals herbivores, but not if they are cooked and resulting excellent the flavor in dishes such as spinach, etc, with the slight inconvenience of producing light sedation.
However, the probability of poisoning by tea consumption is very low.
In case of overdose or accidental intake, go to a medical facility or consult the Toxicology Information Service, telephone (91) -562.04.20, indicating the product and the amount ingested.
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