Only those who are happy can spread happiness. Me: unable to motivate a flea. Blood and smiles. Pascal Lion
you imagine Burroughs, Bukowski or Hunter Thompson writing without drugs or alcohol in the body. Damned poets "rehabilitated? Difficult. Their lives, (de) stabilized with drunkenness, were the ones of their literature. For a rehabilitated, as Leo Pascal, drugs are the center of the universe and the lives of those who consume them, in his words, is a steaming poop . These stories about sex and drugs; exaggerated fictions about the despair that they produce excess. Here are some pros and cons of using Delirium.
1. The first point in its favor is that there are almost no works that address national wildlife junkie. But in many cases fall into the clichés that life sucks, society is cruel and indifferent, the drug an irreversible path.
2. Pascal's imagination ("product of his experiences with psychedelics?) Reached unprecedented levels. Aliens with six tits nymphomaniacs in a bar in Providencia. A magic wand purchased at a micro, which transforms the protagonist into a beautiful model, a whale, a Woodstock hippie, etc.
3. The language in his stories like a live animal, full of energy, the vitality of everyday speech mixed with the baroque style of The Four. Although it suffers from too much slang and all the characters seem to speak in the same way.
4. But if Pascal can play with language, not with the narrative structures: 12 of the 25 stories end with the death of the protagonist, a resource often used by writers neophytes or those who refuse to work a little harder to resolve the narrative skein. In Vale Hongo a quiet young uptown ultraviolent becomes a bad mushroom trip in the Valley of the Moon and murders the other characters.
5. Like Requiem for a Dream , Pascal addresses gangrenal side of the drug. It has the rawness and coprolalia Palahniuk, but not the likelihood, although I must admit that some of the triple X scenes excited me.
6. Pascal, as Don Miguel, was drugged for twenty years until his life hung by a thread. Surviving the seamy side of life has returned to spend their literature restored to the cause: people should not be entitled to make mistakes like him. But here where the cause is blurred, where he sacrifices his moral mission, Pascal aesthetic reaches its greatest height. Delirium
, Leo Pascal, LOM, 2000, 224 pp.
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