The entheogen of Western civilization
(Article published in the journal Descontexto N ° 7, 2007)
I. The trip to Eleusis
Blessed is the man on land, I've seen that! Who has not been initiated into the sacred mysteries, who has not participated in them will be dead in a dark tomb. Homeric Hymn Western civilization from centuries ago, has placed its faith in reason as a vehicle for expanding knowledge. However, throughout history man has practiced various methods to know (is) beyond the border imposed by the five senses and mind. Eastern meditation, fasting, the accounts of the Rosary, or search Hamblecheyapi Lakota vision, the circular dances of the dervishes, the temazcal Mesoamerican self-flagellation, and Holotropic breath are some of the methods developed to open the gates behind which, in the words of Blake,
everything appears to man as , infinite . The ideal truth referred to by Plato in his world of ideas.
The use of entheogens has been another method.
Hellenic civilization was in contact with a particular entheogen, ergot (whose active ingredient is lysergic acid amide, a close relative of LSD 25). His intake was carried out through the Mysteries of Eleusis (found, in Eleusis, Persephone statues in their hands waving ears of rye infected with ergot fungus. Mycenae, one of the roots of Hellenic civilization, gives its name to mykes, fungi). The trip to Eleusis represented a journey to another world to recover from the death of the daughter of Demeter (The myth is about how the Earth Mother, the goddess Demeter, generating grains, lost his only daughter, the maiden Persephone abducted while picking flowers, Hades, the lord of death. Demeter opposes the land to sprout back his daughter. The balance is broken. Men can not make sacrifices to the gods and Zeus to intervene. A Persephone, bride by Hades, is allowed to return to the arms of his mother once a year).
Each year, were initiated into the mysteries, thousands of people of all classes, emperors and prostitutes, slaves and free men. Only two conditions are required (who spoke Greek and had not committed a murder) to start the preliminary rites that lasted over half a year. Were the lesser mysteries and were held in Athens. Then undertook the pilgrimage to Eleusis, for the first and only time to see the sacred. It was a 20-kilometer walk began crossing a bridge too narrow for a carriage and take you out to your sides masked men cursed the Pilgrims. Eleusis was a sacred area for its special affinity with the realm of the dead. The procession symbolically passed the border between two worlds: a momentous journey fraught with difficulties. After visiting the Sacred Way came to Telesterion , room or initiation of Major Mysteries, where he saw something . That was all I could say about the mysteries, the rest was a secret or simply inexpressible. The Telesterion was too small to allow a play, and the Greeks could hardly have been deceived by a theatrical trick. also had physical symptoms that accompany views: fear and trembling of the limbs, dizziness, nausea and cold sweat. After that ensuing vision.
Research by the professor of Greek ethnobotany, Carl Ruck, led him to conclude that the Greeks knew intoxicants other than alcohol. In fact had no word for alcohol, nor knew distill. As loud as could be obtained by natural fermentation the wine was 14 degrees. However, the Greeks used to drink their wine mixed with water. There were so strong that even wines to be drunk without risk to life, be diluted with twenty parts of water for each wine. And yet could produce physical symptoms: insomnia, hallucinations, dizziness, or hilarity. The reason for this is that in ancient wine in almost all primitive peoples, did not contain alcohol as an intoxicant, but usually it was an infusion of plant toxins in liquid wines.
Designed for religious ceremonies, like the mysteries of Eleusis, and later used profanity, entheogenic substances were not alien to Greek culture. A New Paradigm, Christianity, eventually removing these pagan practices. Faith was going to be the exclusive vehicle for achieving mystical ecstasy, and this was the privilege of monks. The Church warned the power of mystical experiences granted to men. For a man who knew the secret of the universe, the Church as an institution appear vain, useless. The ban on access to these states, through the elimination of mechanisms to alter consciousness, the Church granted the monopoly of the religious spirit.
In our Western civilization, only a man dedicated to science, could recover the lost entheogen, that he used the Greek culture (the basis of our civilization) in the Eleusinian mysteries, until Christianity forbade it.
II. The recovery of lost entheogen
Chance favors only the prepared mind. Louis Pasteur
Albert Hofmann had synthesized LSD 25 five years before trying for the first time. That morning, while working at a Sandoz laboratory, with other ergot derivatives (which came ergot), wonders whether this alkaloid as easily discarded five years ago would not have any use for humans. He started working with him and this time, not intuition, but a mistake, I'm closer to entheogen. The fate and free will are joined, was the moira of Ancient Greece. Trace amounts of LSD 25 came through his fingers. That first experience was confusing and full of fear for the outcome uncertain. The next day, made the first self scientific substance.
The maximum figure that could aspire to Western civilization in its quest to uncover the hidden reality in the universe through reason, the research scientist, had recovered the key used by the root of that civilization, to eliminate the border between the self and matter. Had synthesized an entheogen, a way to reveal the inner divinity of man, in the words of Hofmann, a substance capable of creating an experience where I and building up a unit. Shortly after, another symbol of our civilization, an English banker Gordon Wasson became the first white man to try magic mushrooms. Thus revealed a hidden secret to the Christian rule, for over four years. In 1955 on a trip to Mexico, to confirm the entry of the sixteenth century English friars on the intake of mushrooms by the native (considered by scholars as part of a myth without foundation), Wasson participated in a ceremony conducted by a shaman, Maria Sabina. His intuition was confirmed. The fungi were considered divine beings. Ingestion can , as they say the Mexican Indians, know God. Wasson
divided the world between cultures mycophyllas (mushroom lovers) and mycophobes. His research in the popular cultures of the peoples and travel mycophiles experienced with his wife, led him to establish a relationship between fungi and spiritual knowledge.
However, the discovery that Hofmann and Wasson did was not released so vehemently. They felt that caution was the proper attitude to substances that produce such profound effects, as action, as Hofmann, occurs in a boundary, in which the subject is continued in the spirit and vice versa.
While Wasson and Hofmann were crucial to the recovery of entheogens in Western culture, there was still responsible for disseminating this rediscovery. From the European intellectual elitism could not rise to the democratization of the knowledge. It is in the new empire, as was the one who hosted the Eleusinian mysteries, where it would project to the population. Timothy Leary, a professor in the Department of Psychology, Harvard University, right there in the intellectual core of the American Empire, was the evangelist Western entheogen.
III. The apostle psychedelic
God is a substance, a drug ! Gottfried Benn
Leary in 1960 worked as a professor at the Research Center Personality of Harvard. That year, in Mexico, tried magic mushrooms. The trip took just over four hours. Like almost everyone who has seen the veil drawn aside, the return was another man. I found that normal consciousness is a drop in an ocean of intelligence. That consciousness and intelligence can be systematically expanded. You can reprogram the brain. Encouraged by the experience, Leary turned to Aldous Huxley to elucidate the question that haunted him: how to introduce into society those methods of mind expansion? Huxley proposed to spend an evening together under the effects of psilocybin to solve the puzzle (psilocybin is name of the psychoactive alkaloid found in the Mexican mushrooms, synthesized by Hofmann). After several hours, a beatific smile appeared at the mouth of Huxley. Everything was very simple. Leary should be a catalyst for development, should spread the news. But one obstacle would block such developments: the Bible. Timothy does not remember any mention Biblical entheogens. To which Huxley replied: Forgot
the first verses of Genesis? Yahweh told Adam and Eve: "I've ridden this wonderful resort east of Eden. You can do whatever you please, but you do not eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. " The managers of consciousness, from the Vatican to Harvard, have long been in this business, and have no intention of giving up its monopoly.
Thus began the Harvard Psilocybin Project. Leary realized the futility of being an outside observer of the experiences with the drug. As scientists, they should be the explorers of this new field of consciousness that opened ( Psychedelics are to psychology as a microscope for biology and the telescope for astronomy. Stanislav Grof). Very soon saw the transformative capabilities possessed psilocybin. Established the essential requirements for a meeting reached the desired effects. Leary wrote a manual of navigation for travel neurological entheogens. Then prepared the students to be able to guide the sessions. They also had to ingest the drug ( not for finding the imaginary runaway acceleration of the passenger, but to be available as a secure baseline ).
After a meeting with Allen Ginsberg began the second stage: The cross psychedelic neurological revolution. Leary would not be a psychologist who compiled data from now on, the would. The Big Plan was to initiate and train in the expansion of consciousness influential Americans to obtain a current of public opinion to support massive programs of research and education for intelligent consumption of drugs . Intellectuals, politicians, academics, and even prisoners Protestant parishioners were initiated by Leary and Allen. Very soon, the advent of LSD, would imply a new and final field for scientific exploration harvarditas.
As enthusiasm grew initiated by Leary, growing pressure from the CIA about it. The CIA had investigated long before the LSD for use as chemical weapons and their brainwashing research (the project known as MK-ULTRA), but not to disarm the Protestant die had worked so hard to implement. A Leary was expelled from Harvard for failing to schedule a teacher (he had been a century since he ousted a Harvard professor. The last was Ralph Waldo Emerson, who was expelled for telling students to leave the Church and find their own God.) The CIA had undone the International Foundation for Internal Liberation, a psychedelic experiences resort near Acapulco, Mexico deported Leary and after several Caribbean islands. Nixon called it the most dangerous man in America . He was eventually jailed for seven years for carrying two marijuana cigarette butts. Were efforts of a loyal to the Protestant belief that planet Earth is shit . So managed to stop proselytizing entheogenic Leary. But the news had been broadcast and new generations, daughters of Western culture had recovered the entheogen that saw the rise.
Leary's enthusiasm and excitement that his sermons were in the sixties made him lose sight of the restraint that many of their peers in the first trips warned: it had to be careful with a substance so revealing. Those in power need for people to continue believing that they would owe their freedoms. Like Christianity in its early years political domination, the American power elite saw in the LSD of the danger of generating a range of awareness that escaped from their areas of control.
Leary believed that everyone should start their own religion and recommended it to all adults, take LSD once a week. Ernst Junger argued that once a month is better than once a week and once a year better than once a month. Alan Watts said that was enough to experience a mystical opening entheogen, as did the Greeks in the Eleusinian mysteries, for, in the words of Pindar, know the end of life and the beginning given by Zeus.