God is a substance, a drug! Gottfried Benn
I still wonder how come you have not made a movie about the life of Timothy Leary. His autobiography like a novel developed in the laboratories of Hollywood romances, political intrigue, persecution (including prison leaking), mystical revelations, betrayals, like a novel training or a rogue, a historical novel or suspense . But it is not a novel. It is not fiction, it is Leary's life.
The European elitism Hofmann grew under which oppose him, since he discovered entheogenic effects of LSD, has any attempt of mass of the substance. Conducted meetings with philosophers, writers, intellectuals and artists. Leary believed the opposite: they had to conduct a cross-psychedelic, a neurological revolution. From the Department of Psychology, Harvard University, the intellectual core of North American Imperialism began Psilocybin Project. Preparing people to jam with people ordinary. Simultaneously, along with Allen Ginsberg came up with the Grand Plan: Starting and training, expansion of consciousness, influential Americans, to gain a groundswell of public opinion to support massive research programs and schools for the smart consumer drugs.
for this book (and sessions with LSD) Harvard medical pass, Protestant parishioners, CIA, prisoners in a penitentiary, Kerouac, Burroughs, Ginsberg, swamis of India, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Huxley and to Marilyn Monroe.
Everything seemed to go on wheels, or wings, but as I said earlier, life Leary seems taken from a movie and soon the break occurs. When is a candidate for governor of California, all the Republican forces that dominated the chase to Leary. It becomes, in the words of Nixon the most dangerous man in America . His crusade called the youth to plug with internal tune with the outside, and removed from anything that harms you ( Turn on, tune in, drop out ). I did not want to organize a new religion, but each created their own religion. I thought it was necessary to take and give direction to a peaceful end to all progress made by the evolution human. And as the planes allowed us to get faster from one place to another, the LSD had been discovered to expand consciousness, to reach further neurologically. Which, after all, would grant greater freedom of man and would take away power to the ruling elites. Reason enough to lock him up for seven years to carry two lines of marijuana.
Entertaining, at times exciting and full of humor, but without great depth, Flashbacks is the story of one of the most important advocates of autonomy in the expansion of consciousness.
Flashbacks, an autobiography . Timothy Leary. Alpha Decay, 699 pp.
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