Poppy, TEA COUNTRY HEATHER In two places visit this past summer I found this plant and the name they gave one of them was "pennyroyal" (Argovejo, 1100 m), the other was controversial and not recognized as Pennyroyal (Puebla de Lillo, 1200 m). The fact is also called "tea country" or "mountain tea" (the name coincides with that of the rock you).
Photo taken in Puebla de Lillo
Scientific name: Acinos alpinus L .
Dvisión: Spermatophyta
Subdivisión: Magnoliofitha
Clase: Dicotyledoneae (Magnoliatae)
Especie : Acinos alpinus L .
Other names: pulley, wild mountain tea, tea field, catnip, calaminta.
Habitat: grows in meadows and pastures, stony, calcareous, poor in nitrogen. Up to 1900 m. altitude. Grow in full light, shade and supports changes in temperature.
Description: perennial that grows to 45 cm in height. Leaves elliptic, the apex acute or obtuse and rounded base with margin entire or denticulate at the apex, lateral veins marked. Flowers in inflorescences, bilabiate calyx, corolla violet color with white margins. Four stamens, two short core. Ovary divided into four parts, the style emerges from the center and has the estigmaa bifidobacteria. The fruit is a tetraquenio. It blooms from June to August.
Puebla de Lillo
use and applications : is useful in tears, convulsions, cramps . acts as a stimulant, sudorific, febrifuge, expectorant and stomachic. It is aromatic (smells like pennyroyal that's why this name is given in some places). The
infusion is recommended in cases of slow digestion, flatulence and abdominal pain in general.
Photo taken in Argovejo
Chemical composition:
* C ontiene an essential oil rich in pulegone could be toxic in high doses.
* phenolic acids: caffeic, chlorogenic and rosmarinic.
do not drink during pregnancy, liver and gallbladder problems.