Albert Hofmann 1929 she went to work in the area of \u200b\u200bresearch with Sandoz Laboratories Arthur Stoll.
1938, November 16
Hofmann made the first synthesis of LSD 25 from ergoline alkaloids present in ergot. I tested on animals without finding a useful application.
1943, April 16
Hofmann, after following your intuition, reunites with the LSD. A few drops of the substance entering through his fingers. His intuition and allow the accident first experience with the substance.
1943, April 19
The trip by bicycle. Three days after the accidental experience makes the first self Hofmann LSD. The effect manifests itself while riding your bike to your home.
1947 Dr. Arthur Stoll suggests the use of LSD in psychotherapy and Sandoz laboratories begin to market the substance with the name Delysid. 1951
The CIA creates the MK-ULTRA project to experiment with LSD (and other hallucinogens) as a mechanism for mental control and chemical interrogation. Patients, without warning, were given high doses and are tied to a bed. One patient was given LSD for 77 days. 1953
Humphrey Osmond treats alcoholics with LSD.
1955 Aldous Huxley
LSD test and write your experience in Heaven and Hell. 1956
Stanislav Grof know the origin of the universe to undergo a strobe light during an EEG under the influence of LSD. Immediately leave the psychoanalysis and research on LSD therapy.
Gordon Wasson 1957, after trying the Mexican magic mushrooms with Maria Sabina, published an article Life magazine which introduces shamanic use. 1958
Hofmann isolated the alkaloids present in the Mexican magic mushrooms and called psilocin and psilocybin. states that LSD and psilocybin have a close spiritual kinship chemical. 1959
Ken Kesey is offered as a guinea pig for the project MK-ULTRA and try the LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, cocaine, and DMT. That same year, and the product of that experience write the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest which was later adapted for film as Cuckoo's Nest. 1959
Allen Ginsberg and LSD with Timothy Leary suggests starting neurological revolution. 1960
Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert open Psychedelic Research Department at the University of Harvard, focused on the use of psilocybin and then LSD. 1962
Francis Crick received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering the structure of DNA. Years later declare that some Cambridge academics used LSD in small amounts as a thinking tool, to free them from preconceptions and helped them develop ideas never before achieved. Crick said that was precisely when he was on LSD he perceived as the double helix structure of DNA.
1962 The U.S. Congress prohibits the clinical use of LSD experimentation, but not performing the CIA and the military. 1963
Sale of laboratories to hit the streets. Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert are expelled from Harvard. 1964
Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters get on the bus called Further and spreading across the United States who would like to LSD test.
1965 November
Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters Acid Test organized the first in Santa Cruz, California. In the next Acid Test, reach more than two thousand people to participate in the experience. U.S.
1965 prohibits the manufacture and sale. Possession of prohibited three years later. Sandoz
stop marketing the Delysid. All research programs are suspended. Leary created a religion, the League for Spiritual Discovery, for which the LSD is its sacrament. Nixon calls the most dangerous man in America . 1970
Two million Americans have tried LSD. Format appears blotting paper (previously distributed it in pill or powder). Soon the cartons are filled with colorful designs.
1975 First and only victim is awarded to a possible overdose of LSD. Man, 34, thought it was amphetamine, was injected intravenously 320,000 micrograms (a common stamp is about 100 micrograms). The strong dose equivalent to 3200. Hofmann
published LSD, my problem child . 1995
Timothy Leary dies at age 75. Two years later, seven grams of his ashes are sent into space.
2005 book What the Dormouse Said : How the 60s Shaped the Personal Computer by John Markoff, who researches the relationship of information technology with the use of marijuana and LSD by Silicon computines Valley (steps from where he made the first Acid Tests). Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, said that taking LSD is one of the two or three most important things he has done in his life.
2005 August
MAPS organization begins to raise funds to research a cure for cluster headaches through the use of LSD and psilocybin.
2006 July
John Hopkins University published an article which claims that psilocybin can produce mystical experiences. With it open the door to the research of entheogens in American universities.
2007 October
The English newspaper The Guardian publishes a survey of living men who are the world's smartest. Hofmann appeared in issue 1.
2007, Diciembre
Suiza permite la investigación del uso terapéutico del LSD, después de 35 años de prohibición mundial.
2008, 19 Abril
Muere Albert Hofmann a los 102 años.