Since primordial times shamans and soothsayers, magicians and mystagogues have known of the close relationship between drunkenness and ecstasy. Therefore, the drug has always played a part in their ordinations, initiations and mysteries. Ernst Junger
This is the book I always wanted to write a book of travel to other states of consciousness. Not just any trip, but those that produce a approach to reality that transcends time and space and thus the veil of appearance.
Junger (1895-1998!) Merges the account of his experiences with various substances (alcohol, opium, ether, hashish, cocaine, LSD, psilocybin, mescaline) with reflections on how civilizations have faced these keys awareness that, in his words, let us put ourselves out of time . In turn, interacts with texts by Baudelaire, Poe, Maupassant, Nietzsche, Hofmann, Huxley, and a vast number of intellectuals and artists who in one way or another, explored the drunkenness. It is here that Junger
created the term Psiconautas , etymologically soul surfers, for those sensitive, through drugs, meditation or loneliness, reach the shore from which to perceive the mysteries of the universe.
While not an easy book to read (Junger is a German thinker, or, if you can say something so easy, I tell you in difficult) there are fragments of amazing vision and beautiful bill.
Approaches, Drugs and Drunk , Ernst Junger, Jonathan Cape, 375 pp.