Ecstasy is being poisoned. Being a god is being poisoned. The poison is a substance that is made God. Give me another cup of poison. Poison equal to euphoria, just a flight, like a force equal to madness. Fernando Benítez
Forget Carlos Castaneda. Did nothing but fill his head with tales of witches flying through the sky, shamans like Yoda, a whole imagery closer to a self-help version of Tolkien than a true search anthropological use of sacred plants. Fernando Benitez (another Mexican), however, crossed the desert, the jungle of Chiapas, the Sierra Mazatec, Maria Sabina lived in Huautla and sojourned with the Huichol to the land of the Divine, the Shining, as they say the peyote.
journalist, historian, anthropologist, traveler and writer, his greatest work, The Indians of Mexico , five volumes devoted to the indigenous groups living in Mexican territory, a world he saw disappearing under the jaws of progress.
fungi is a seriously amazing and beautiful book travel, and is also an anthropological study, and the story of his first experiences with mushrooms and a biography of Maria Sabina, whom he describes with realism, with affection, admiration, unadorned magic with special effects that emanated from his figure. Only when necessary, Benitez takes pride in his work and takes the time to refer your experience with the mushrooms: was not the strength of my youth that recovered, but another kind of strength, a new wisdom, a penetrating insight, a dazzling certainty of know everything and embrace everything together with a feeling of euphoria and wild joy that I ran like an electric current. God, I was God. Were unleashed in me divine possibilities that had been darkened and subdued until then.
In the magical land of peyote (his other book co-published by LOM and ERA) presented descriptions that, at times, become too detailed. But if one reaches the necessary patience, be able to draw in your mind a detailed picture of the experience was going through Benítez. Thus, one will discover along with him, the pre-rational people, who lived for their gods and their gods, and now are contaminated by tourism hippie junkies Americans and followers of charlatans Castaneda. After reading
Benitez could be tempted to take your advice, because that must return to the primitive, to the wild.
The hallucinogenic mushrooms, Fernando Benítez, LOM and ERA, 126 pp.
In the magical land of peyote , Fernando Benítez, LOM and ERA, 190 pp.